Unbelievable Stool Card Instructions Butcher Block Kitchen Island
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Prepare Card Remove the card from the paper envelope. Either solid or liquid stool can be collected. Please talk to the doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about medications you are taking. 1Write in the date you are collecting your stool sample on section 1 of the card just before your bowel movement. Before collecting your stool sample write the date on section 1 of the card. Apply a thin smear of stool inside the square marked B. Patient Instructions for Collection of Occult Blood Guaiac Patient Preparation. Collect two samples from your stool on three different days. Raw fruits and vegetable which contain peroxidase-like. Throw out the stick in the trash.
Under each flap there are two small areas Area I and Area II on which to smear your stool.
Mix contents of timed sample well to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Store the card in the envelope. For each bowel movement you smear a small amount of the stool on a card provided in the kit. Each specimen should be collected in its own clean disposable container such as a margarine tub or similar container. Cards Collect stool on Hemoccult card provided by ChildLab. Apply a thin smear of stool inside the square marked B.
You collect a stool sample from 3 different bowel movements. Using the sticks provided select a portion of the stool and apply it to one of the test areas on the card. Each specimen should be collected in its own clean disposable container such as a margarine tub or similar container. For each bowel movement you smear a small amount of the stool on a card provided in the kit. Repeat procedure for box B of the card using a different area of the stool sample. Apply a thin smear of stool inside the square marked B. Open the card and with the applicator stick apply a very thin smear of stool onto the circle labeled I. Remove the required aliquot to a screw-cap plastic container and seal well. Please talk to the doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about medications you are taking. 2Flush toilet bowl and allow to refill.
Apply a thin smear of stool inside the square marked B. Write your name age and address on the front of the card with a pen. Close the cover of the Hemoccult slide and put it back into its paper envelope. A red-meat-free high residue diet is recommended beginning 3 days prior to testing and continuing through the test period. Patient Instructions for Collection of Occult Blood Guaiac Patient Preparation. Collect two samples from your stool on three different days. Cards Collect stool on Hemoccult card provided by ChildLab. Mix contents of timed sample well to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Diet Guidelines For 3 days before and during stool collection period avoid red meats beef lamb and liver. Apply a thin smear of stool inside the square marked B.
3Unfold the flushable tissue paper that is included in the kit and float it on the surface of the toilet bowl water. Write your name age and address on the front of the card with a pen. Please talk to the doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about medications you are taking. Open the card and with the applicator stick apply a very thin smear of stool onto the circle labeled I. For each bowel movement you smear a small amount of the stool on a card provided in the kit. 2Flush toilet bowl and allow to refill. Smear of stool inside the square marked A on the Hemoccult slide see Figure 1. Remove the required aliquot to a screw-cap plastic container and seal well. Store the card in the envelope. Close the cover of the Hemoccult slide and put it back into its paper envelope.
Store the card in the envelope. Follow these steps to collect the stool samples. Prepare Card Remove the card from the paper envelope. Useaballpointpentowriteyournameageandaddressonthefrontof each of the 3 cards. Mix contents of timed sample well to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Please talk to the doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions about medications you are taking. Stool can contain material that spreads infection so wash your hands before and after you collect the specimen. Apply a thin smear of stool inside the square marked A on the Hemoccult slide see Figure 1. Determine weight of total sample. Flush toilet and allow the bowl to fill.
A red-meat-free high residue diet is recommended beginning 3 days prior to testing and continuing through the test period. Follow these steps to collect the stool samples. Stool can contain material that spreads infection so wash your hands before and after you collect the specimen. You collect a stool sample from 3 different bowel movements. Store the card in the envelope. Using a ball point pen print your full name as it appears on your health card and your date of birth yyyymmdd on the back of the test card. Each time you collect a specimen open the tab on a new card and use the applicator or a tongue depressor to take a very small amount of stool. Just before you have a bowel movement remove Card 1 from the envelope and put the date on the card. The test card must be labeled with the patients full name date of birth and Medical Record Number when. Throw out the stick in the trash.